Yesterday the first 'Be In My Shoes' event took place at Ash In Art, Athens, Greece. I was there with Li, my best friend,we brought shoes and accessories we didn't want anymore and we took stuff we liked. If someone tells you that, when I went there, all the handbags suddenly disappeared, don't believe them! Of course I didn't take them!!!! Hahaha... Ok, you know how much I love handbags, and the truth is that I maybe took plenty of them. And 2 black belts. And a silver scarf. Maybe.
The best part though, was that we all sat together and transformed our shoes, our handbags, we made jewels and accessories...
Alexandra's brogues.
Having fun
Li and Me.
I love this picture....
This bag became gorgeous...
Nefeli had made butterflies from soda cans...
Jealous? See you at the next 'Be In My Shoes', in six months. Until then, you can 'like' Be In My Shoes facebook page.