Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Harry Potter Week

As you may know, Litsa and I are huge fans of Harry Potter. So, when we learned about the Harry Potter week at Cap Cap we knew we wouldn't miss it for the world. Fani, who loves the books as well, joined us. What do you say, are you ready to let the magic surround you?

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3 witches: Litsa, Fani, and me.

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Our drinks: Butter beer, Elder Wand, Unicorn Blood (Well, a substitute. The owner of Cap Cap isn't Lord Voldemort or professor Quirrell. Obviously)

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Fani's lunch: The Basilisk.

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My lunch: Deathly Hallows pizza

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I'm a glamorous witch, what can I say

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After our lunch, we visited the bathroom to make some polyjuice potion. Thank God Moaning Myrtle wasn't there, she can be so annoying.

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It's official. Enemies of the Heir Beware.

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Accio Firebolt!

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Li's outfit. She made the 'Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azcaban' necklace book especially for that day. The snitch is what we both bought from Cap Cap, I promise I'll wear mine soon.

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There's a Platform 9 3/4 in Greece, too. But don't tell anyone, Muggles should never know about it.

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'Gosh, I hope I'm not late again! Mrs Weasley will be so angry if we borrow the Flying Ford Anglia'

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Aaand my outfit: I'm so into cropped tops lately.

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Cropped top: Bershka
High waist skirt: Promod
Bag: H&M
Shoes: Vekelidis
Earrings: Accessorize
Glam ring: Bershka

(To the memory of:  Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Sirius Black, Dobby, Fred Weasley, Severus Snape, Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks, Mad Eye Moody. You are always in our hearts)


  1. αχ, δεν ήξερα καν ότι ήταν εβδομάδα Harry Potter! Πόσο το αγαπώ το cap cap δε λέγεται! Πρέπει να περάσατε τέλεια, φαντάζομαι!

    Ωραίο τοπ, και η Λίτσα πολύ bad ass! :D


  2. Πολύ ωραίες οι φωτογραφίες σου, δεν ξέρω πως αλλά θα τα καταφέρω να πάω και γω μια φορά . Είναι και μακριά το μαγαζί. Πέρα ότι είμαι φαν του Πότερ και ενθουσιάστηκα με την εβδομάδα προν τιμήν του φαίνεται πολύ ωραίο το μαγαζί!!!
